As school counselors, we never know what students will bring to us each day, and sometimes their needs are so great, so profound, that it can be overwhelming even for us as trained professionals. Storybooks are a great tool to help students cope with grief and loss!What Does Grief Look Like in Students? Grief is defined as deep sorrow. Students who do not process big emotions, like grief and loss, are at-risk for several physical, social, emotional, and academic hardships:Read more ... VIEW POST
Grief & Loss PART 2: Storybooks to Help Students Cope with Grief & Loss
Helping Children Cope with Divorce
Have you ever had a student look at you through teary eyes and ask, "What does divorce even mean? Will I still see my parents? Is this all my fault?" With divorce rates skyrocketing during the pandemic, more children than ever before are asking these painful questions, and struggling to navigate stressful family changes.Divorce can be shattering for everyone involved, but seems to hit elementary-aged children especially hard. 5 to 11-year-olds are old enough to remember their family life before ... VIEW POST