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In the lively atmosphere of elementary schools, kindness is key! Kindness is a fundamental piece of social emotional learning that shapes every part of our world. As an elementary school counselor, you have the privilege to instill kindness in the lives of your students. Use activities and lessons that teach kindness to ensure that students understand why kindness matters and how to easily demonstrate it to those around them. There are so many great ways to teach kindness – let’s dive right into my favorites!

Why Kindness Matters

Kindness is the cornerstone of healthy relationships, empathy, and compassion. When children learn how to be kind, they can begin to contribute positively to their communities at school and at home. Kindness allows them to create meaningful connections with others. 

Research shows that practicing kindness leads to increased happiness, greater self-esteem, and lowered stress. As you nurture kindness in your students, you empower them to create a more inclusive world where everyone feels valued and welcome!

Use Activities & Lessons to Teach Kindness

Utilizing done-for-you resources is a no-brainer in school counseling! You’re busy, and there’s no need for you to recreate everything on your own. 

Choose lessons and activities that provide structure while also encouraging positive social emotional skills like teamwork and sharing. Carefully chosen resources also create opportunities for impactful discussions. 

These two resources will be the perfect additions to your kindness counseling toolbox this year!

12 Ways to be Kind Lesson

This kindness lesson teaches students 12 ways to be kind. 

It includes a story about a little girl named Keisha who shows her friends just how much she cares by making kind choices for each of them. Keisha’s story teaches children that small acts of kindness can make a BIG impact, both for the one extending kindness and the recipient of the kindness!

My favorite part of this lesson is the kindness craft! It makes for an adorable hallway display.

The Kindness Quest

The Kindness Quest teaches students to be kind with a fun and exciting classroom challenge! Students listen to a story about a teacher named Mrs. Bloom whose class participates in a Kindness Quest.

Students in Mrs. Bloom’s class track their kind choices in their Kindness Log and learn 25 different ways to be kind. 

This lesson includes everything you need to implement a class or school-wide Kindness Quest, or if you don’t have time for that, it’s a great lesson in itself!

Other Ways to Teach Kindness to Students

Teaching kindness can go so much farther than just activities and done-for-you lessons! Use books and other strategies to teach your students about kindness in ways that are sure to leave a lasting impression.

Read Books About Kindness

Storybooks are powerful tools that teach social emotional concepts in relatable and enjoyable ways to young minds. Two great books to help you teach kindness are Each Kindness” by Jacqueline Woodson and “The Jelly Donut Difference” by Maria Dismondy. (Amazon Affiliate Links)

Both of these books help students understand the power of small acts of kindness and the ripple effect that kindness can create. As you read and discuss books about kindness with your students, you can spark meaningful conversations about all that it means to be kind towards others and how one can choose to do so throughout their life. 

For more story recommendations and reviews, please check out my “6 Favorite Books that Teach Kindness” blog!

Model Kindness to Students

Don’t forget the power of your example! Modeling kindness through your own actions sets a powerful example for students to follow. 

Students really do notice the ways you respond when presented with unexpected challenges like schedule changes, an unkind comment from a teacher or student, or annoyances like a jammed printer. Choose to use the strategies you teach your students as you respond with kindness to all that comes your way!

Write Notes

Words of affirmation are another phenomenal way to teach and reinforce new social emotional skills. Keep a sticky pad nearby, and jot down quick notes when you recognize students demonstrating kindness. Hand notes to students in the hallway, leave them in their teacher’s mailboxes or stop by their classrooms to hand-deliver them. Here are some examples:

  • “I loved the way you helped the younger student up when she fell in the cafeteria.”
  • “It was so kind of you to share your classroom supplies today.”
  • “You showed kindness when you chose to sit by the new student today. Keep it up!”

Everyone loves to receive positive feedback! You may even consider sharing kind notes with your colleagues and school staff. And a surprise positive note home to caregivers will surely make their day!

Kindness Initiatives

Finally, consider organizing school-wide kindness initiatives to encourage kindness throughout the entire school! 

Consider these fun ideas:

  • Implement a Kindness Quest and challenge students to track their kind choices
  • Show kindness to the Earth and your school with a school-wide Earth Day playground cleanup
  • Plan a surprise Kindness Assembly for your school’s support staff with student-made posters and celebrations
  • Create a kindness paper chain and challenge students to make it longer than the length of the school over a chosen month

Remember, teaching kindness is not just a responsibility you have as an elementary school counselor, it’s a calling that has the power to positively change the future for generations to come! As you choose to incorporate engaging activities, lessons, storybooks, and other creative strategies to teach kindness to your students, you are sowing seeds of kindness that students will carry with them to make the world a more compassionate place to live.

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