Teach students about the difference between bullying and conflict with this interactive lesson! Students learn the definition of bullying, the definition of conflict, and examples of each one. Students also learn about the 4 types of bullying, how to resolve a conflict, and how to stop bullying.
✅ Digital for Google Slides™ presentation that teaches students the difference between bullying and conflict, how to resolve a conflict, and how to stop bullying. The presentation closes with an interactive sorting game with 24 scenarios that lets students practice the difference between bullying and conflict.
✅ PowerPoint version of the same presentation.
✅ Bullying vs. conflict printable sorting game that lets students read 24 scenarios and place them on either the “bullying” or the “conflict” side of the mat.
✅ 4 posters
✅ Assorted worksheets and coloring pages
✅ Document that shows how the lesson is aligned to ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors
✅ Materials offered in full color and black/white
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