Problems between friends and classmates happen all the time, and it's hard for young children to know when a problem is bullying or just a conflict. The most current research finds that approximately one in five school-aged children are victimized by bullying. Helping students understand the difference between bullying and conflict can decrease incidents over time and increase positive social interactions at school! The Difference Between Bullying & ConflictConflict ExplainedA conflict ... VIEW POST
How to Teach Students the Difference Between Bullying and Conflict
My Top 10 Favorite Stories for School Counseling
One of the most common questions that followers ask me is, "What are your favorite, must-have books for school counseling?" Well, the truth is, I have SO MANY favorites that it's hard to narrow down and make a list! Having a thorough school counselor library with books on a variety of topics is crucial to my success. I make sure to have at least a couple of go-to books on as many SEL and mental health topics as possible (i.e. divorce, grief, anger, anxiety, etc.) so I am ready for any student ... VIEW POST
School Counseling Office Must-Haves
School counselors, did your school give you a budget to purchase supplies, but you have NO.IDEA what to buy? Friend, I've been there! Let’s dive into my list of 10 School Counseling Office Must-Haves to help you make the most of your school funds! School Counseling Office Must-Haves:1) SEL BooksIf you know me, you know that I start just about every school counseling lesson with a story! Having a solid school counselor library with books on a variety of topics is crucial to my success.Scholastic ... VIEW POST
How to Confidently Set Up & Implement a Calm Corner For Your Students
Life as an elementary schooler can be a roller coaster with many ups and downs throughout the day. Sometimes students need a safe place to take a break and regroup. A Calm Corner is exactly this! Let’s dive into all you need to know about how to confidently set up and implement a Calm Corner that’s beneficial to your students!What is a Calm Corner?A Calm Corner is a soothing, safe space where students can deescalate from big emotions, practice calming strategies, and work on their ... VIEW POST
Story Books that Teach Growth Mindset
Our “mindset,” or the way we think about ourselves, MATTERS! It controls how we feel, how we act, and the choices we make. Dr. Carol Dweck’s ground-breaking research on growth mindset has taken the education and mental health fields by storm (deservingly so)!So, What is Growth Mindset? Growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication, effort, and continuous learning. It contrasts with a fixed mindset, which assumes that skills and traits are innate ... VIEW POST
Must-Have Books to Help Kids Cope with Anger
In these post-pandemic times, anger, anxiety, and stress are on the rise in school-age children (and adults!). More and more students are coming to their school counselor looking for tools and strategies to manage BIG feelings. As school counselors, our role is not to eliminate anger in our students, but to guide them in harnessing its power in a positive and constructive way.If you know me, you know that storybooks are my go-to therapeutic tool. They help children feel “not-so alone” in their ... VIEW POST