This bundle of 5 resources teaches students to cope with anxiety and worry. This comprehensive resource pack:
- Teaches students what “worry” and “calm” look and feel like in their bodies
- Let’s students identify which parts of their lives worry them most (i.e. school, family, friendships, behavior)
- Teaches students how our thoughts affect our feelings, and our feelings affect our choices
- Teaches students 15 coping skills
- Teaches students about positive self-talk
- Teaches students to differentiate between “worries I can control” and “worries I cannot control”
- Teaches students how to use the CBT technique of “reality testing”
✨ Interactive, engaging, and meaningful materials are provided in printable, PowerPoint, and digital for Google Slides™ formats.
⭐ This comprehensive BUNDLE includes:
- “Wilma Jean, the Worry Machine” by Julia Cook Companion Lesson
- “Worry Says What?” by Allison Edwards Companion Lesson
- Anxiety Triggers Activity
- Coping with Anxiety Journal
- Coping with Anxiety Lap Book
[This resource was posted with permission from Julia Cook, Allison Edwards, and Jennifer Deshler from NCYI].
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